Thursday, August 13, 2009

just need to share.

I am going to do some crit comments on those paintings below. I am so happy to see them up! and all in all feel like they are going in a fab direction. K- I think your technique is strong and I will of course elaborate later when I can have more time.
Something a little googling showed me today and I would like to share.

bc sometimes taking art too seriously means you dont consider where it can go. i love overlapping worlds metaphorically. this article shows a little overlap geographically :)

article below.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

finished in august - please blog-tique

* Full scale


Basic info: oil on canvas - measures 24" x 20 ".

It's a portrait of my grandfather, from a picture taken 25 years ago. Those glasses are famous - they were basically his trademark.

finished in july - please blog-tique

Basic info: This painting is oil on canvas and measures 12" x 12".

Friday, August 7, 2009

Seriously. We're not talking metaphor here.

This isn't the actual home of the saw -- that would just be crazy! I put it up on the counter for effect. The saw actually resides in the kitchen on a table near the window. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to read the manual and get this baby functional! Until then, I'm keeping track of all the non-wood things people have suggested I cut with the saw: onions, sushi, apples, cucumbers.